What is a physical therapist?
Physical therapists are educated in understanding the interaction of all your muscles and bones. Their hands on approach begins with examination, diagnosis, and treatment of the immediate problem. They teach you how to take care of yourself showing you how to do exercises and how to use your body properly to gain strength and mobility and prevent recurring injury. Physical therapists provide help for everyone from infants to the elderly.
I want to see a physical therapist, how do I get started?
In South Carolina, you can see a physical therapist without a prescription. You can call the office and we would be happy to set up an appointment. However, almost all insurance providers, including Medicare, require a doctor's prescription for reimbursement. If you will be using medical insurance to pay the bill, it will likely be in your best interest to request a physical therapy prescription from you doctor prior to you appointment. They may conveniently fax this to our office.
What should I wear?
You should wear comfortable clothing. If you are presenting with a problem with your neck or upper back, we can provide you with a gown as needed. If you are coming for a leg, ankle, or foot problem, shorts are very helpful. You can bring clothing with you and change at the facility.
How long will the visit take?
Most visits, including the examination, can take from 30-60 minutes.
Will my insurance pay for physical therapy?
Accelerated Physical Therapy is contracted and participates with many of the major insurances including Medicare and numerous smaller insurances. We also coordinate with workers compensation and out of state plans. Please contact our office with any questions.
Do I need a referral for physical therapy?
In the state of SC, an individual can be treated up to 30 days without a referral. Once the 30th day of treatment has been reached then an MD referral is required for further physical therapy treatment. Certain Providers require a referral to authorize coverage for physical therapy. As a courtesy to our patients, Accelerated offers insurance verification prior to your initial evaluation.
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